Working together to farm differently
We are working with farming groups around new Zealand now who want to learn to farm differently, tread more softly on the land and water, and look at alternative systems. Alison was on the Environmental Reference Panel for Pamu, then the head of environment – exploring new ways to farm, with lower emissions to land and water. Pamu are using our risk scorecard approach to assess environmental footprint across their farms now. We have all have worked with farmers across NZ and Alison completed her MSc in the Upper Waikato, with 25 farmers, they agreed to share their stories.

Current Projects and Affiliations
Time for big decisions
Some big decisions need to be made by land owners in the wake of both the Cyclone Gabrielle floods, when the frailties of planting great swathes of farmland in pine forest came home to rest…on the beaches of the Hawkes Bay and Tairawhiti, and the results of years of nitrogenous fertilisers being applied to the leaky soils of Canterbury and parts of the North Island showing up in water quality problems in rivers, lakes and groundwater.
Things need to change, and an interesting podcast by Bernard Hickey called The Future of Sustainable Farmlands, talking to vet and farm consultant Alison Dewes and farmer John Burke makes for very interesting listening.
The tragedy of the commons has meant that the externalities of intensification of farming systems over the past 30 years is now a cost being borne by wider society groups - forest slash on beaches has taken out bridges and silted up downstream properties and nitrogen applied to farms turns up as lake and river degradation downstream and sometimes years later. So what to do?
The sweet spot of economics and ecological outcomes will vary according to different soil and land types but the move towards funding for Jobs for Nature and the establishment and funding of catchment groups means the bottom up approach has much more chance of succeeding than the old top down regulatory approach Dewes says.
But first must come a vision for the country - how do we want our landscape to look and function over the next 100 years, solving the problems of the past 100 years while taking into account the resilience needed to face a future of climate change?
Click here to have a listen on Spotify.
Expert Witness for the Community at Te Waikoropupu Springs
Alison is working for the Community at Te Waikoropupu Springs, as an Expert Witness for Save our Springs, and local iwi, to protect one of New Zealand's most precious Taonga:
Science, Research, Development
A focus on Native Regeneration at 1/5 of the cost per hectare: On my block at Hamurana, I am working with Scion on how to significantly reduce the cost of native planting and converting vulnerable land to ngahere, assisted by advisors such as John Burke: See more of the story here:
Trustee on Community Restoration Trust - Tipu Wai
Alison is actively involved with, and a trustee on Community Restoration Trust- Tipu Wai which is a group of like-minded people from a variety of backgrounds coming together for a common cause; restoring, regenerating and rebuilding
NZ Health Research Council, NZ Freshwater Leaders Group
Alison has been on policy advisory teams for advisory on policy. (2019-2020)
Working with farmers in Coastal Bay of Plenty to better understand their business, their environmental footprint and how to make more while treading more lightly on the environment.
Science, Research, Development
A focus on Native Regeneration at 1/5 of the cost per hectare: On my block at Hamurana, I am working with Scion on how to significantly reduce the cost of native planting and converting vulnerable land to ngahere, assisted by advisors such as John Burke: See more of the story here:
Katikati and Queenstown
Working with farmers in sensitive catchments and service providers to take a more cohesive approach to integrated and adaptive catchment management - from inside the farm gate, linking tourism, food production, unique experiences, and being kind to the environment, while staying profitable. You cant afford to be green without being in the black and we understand that.
Expert Witness for the Community at Te Waikoropupu Springs
Alison is working for the Community at Te Waikoropupu Springs, as an Expert Witness for Save our Springs, and local iwi, to protect one of New Zealand's most precious Taonga:
Trustee on Community Restoration Trust - Tipu Wai
Alison is actively involved with, and a trustee on Community Restoration Trust- Tipu Wai which is a group of like-minded people from a variety of backgrounds coming together for a common cause; restoring, regenerating and rebuilding
NZ River Voice Award
The Reo mō te Awa (River Voice) Award for an individual who has the raised the profile of rivers through compelling public commentary went to Alison Dewes. See her story here:
Rotorua Lakes Catchment
We are working with farmers and the regional council bridging gaps and trying new things. We love innovative thinking, good business, sensible planning, and diversification. There are ways to make this happen, and our team works alongside farmers, helping them to think differently.
NEXT Fellowship - freshwater
NEXT Fellowship - freshwater: Alison is working in the Little Waihi catchment alongside leading farmers - to replenish catchment health for future generations:
Greater Wellington
Our work with farmers in this region is focussed on doing things differently(diversifying) with a lighter footprint(less pollution and less stress) and a new approach (novel systems) to farming. We can do things differently an we can do things better than we have done for the last four decades
Alison was on the Environmental Reference Group for Landcorp - she then led the Environment team in Landcorp until 2020. We have explored how we farm within limits(that affect human health), and still make a good profit. It's okay to think differently, and it's okay to try new things. Many farmers are diversifying and using more precision decisions as it improves the farm systems in sensitive catchments.
Individual Clients
We work with farmers all around NZ, helping them understand their business - their footprint - their future and how to adapt to changing policies and times. We want to see farmers and their land less stressed, with pride in their farms, and making good money, every year.
Farming Profitably while protecting the environment
Alison has provided expert evidence in 6 regional and sub regional plans across NZ between 2013- 2017, showing how farming can be different, work inside limits, be profitable, and adapt to change. In the Hawkes Bay and Manawatu, our teams evidence was effective in changing the law.
Wai Kokopu society
Our Team is now working closely with farmers in the Coastal catchment from Okere Falls to Little Waihi Estuary at Pukehina. 34000 ha. Together with the Wai Kokopu society we helped raise $4.2 M of funding for behaviour change, clean up and find ways to tread lighter on the land. Fly our catchment - and check out our website here:
Working with Scion
Alison has two trial sites on her Hamurana Block which is looking into rapid establishment of native plantings.
Toitu Te Whenua
Toitū Te Whenua - A documentary exploring the Bay of Plenty & Lakes District; the abundance, natural character and the many pressures and challenges our natural environment and people are faced with. The state of our forest remnants, lakes, rivers and estuaries tell us stories and lend clues to what needs our attention. The film explores the impacts industrial land-use and poor rules and regulations are having on our environment and human health. Environmental advocate Geoff Reid talks with kaumatua and industry leaders about the urgent need for changes to safeguard living systems and human health.
These leading farmers were filmed and co-funded by Sustainable Farming Fund project and Alison's MSc Thesis.
Jeremy and Dianne Robinson
Tomorrow's Farms Today - Reporora
Euan and Sarah McKnight
Tomorrow's Farms Today - Reporoa
Colin and Shelly Guyton
Tomorrow's Farms Today - Reporoa
Graeme and Shelly Monk
Tomorrow's Farms Today - Reporora